31.12.2021 - Longest day.

I’m not sure what it is about this day that makes it so inexplicably strange, confusingly contradictive and weirdly unexpected…

It might just be my lack of sleep from the past two weeks that’s finally catching up with me but today the world seemed to be standing still. The shadows casted by the sun made everything around me seem surreal and I felt like I was walking in a trance. I did not walk very far, but when I stopped at the top of the hill to watch the sun set, I just felt really happy to be there.

The past few days were so much fun, but also quite intense to say the least, and although I was so tired today that I thought I could pass out at any second, I was glad that I took some time by myself to reflect on everything.

Somehow this day feels longer than most other days… And it is still not over yet…

Good night.


1h 02m
4,64 km