22.12.2021 - Half the world.

Tonight I haven’t slept at all. I’m not sure why but I feel like I’m waiting for something. I’m restless and I can’t stay still. Can’t just sit around. I need to keep busy all the time and when I’m not busy, I’m planing ahead for future activities.

I had a very productive morning, getting some things done for university, but I absolutely needed to get outside. I wanted to go to the Stauséi and walk around the lake but when I looked at the bus/train schedule, I bailed and just stayed in the area instead.

And damn… today was the most beautiful day out. Half the world was frozen and the other half was glowing in the sun. I could not stop smiling at how beautiful the forest was. Little crystals were growing on the leaves and everywhere around. The air was so cold and fresh that my breath was drawing clouds in the air. The sun was warming my face and lighting up my mood.

Thanks Dad for walking with me:)


1h 51m
9,18 km
Luxemburg, not Stauséi