16.08.2021 - On a mission.
I wasn’t actually planing on going for a walk this time. Only I had lost my camera-lense-protection-thing somewhere on my last walk and decided to go back for it. I don’t actually think that I was expecting to find the thing, but I did feel like I was on a mission. And a quite important one at that, since I had no idea how to safely transport my camera without it.
So, long story short, I walked the same way back that I had come yesterday. My dad came along this time and although I’m sure he only did it to be mentioned in my now very famous blog, I enjoyed the change. I showed him my orientation skills by tracing my way back with ease and he was, understandably, very impressed by my mastery of the task.
We did find the camera-lens-cover-thing since it was still in the same spot where I had placed and forgotten it yesterday and I’m quite sure that nobody else has walked that way between the time I forgot it there and the time we came to find it again.
Also, I swiched up my footwear this time. However, I can’t say that the Birkenstocks I went with were a much more optimal choice for the gravel roads and offroad trails. I never did say that I was good at making life decisions...
Either way: Mission successfully accomplished.
And we all lived happily ever after.