11.08.2021 - On the run.
I am on the run. From the sun. I did it again. I went out for a walk in the middle of the day, and I probably shouldn’t have.
When I left the house around 16:00, it was about 36ºC, which is not the best temperature to go for a walk in, or do anything at all, for that matter.
Still, I like to think that I was better prepared this time. I brought my sunglasses, something to cover my head with and even a little snack. I really am learning!
It took me almost 2 hours to walk the 3 km from Collorgues to Saint Dézéry and back. Walking under these conditions isn’t the best idea. But even though the walks here aren’t the most pleasant ones, the doubts of whether I was doing something stupid or not kept my thoughts busy for quite a while. Whatever works, I guess:)
I’m 100% sure that I’m going to be sunburnt tomorrow.
Still worth it.